Video: No Excuses
Matt Scott goes over all the excuses that you could possibly come up with to skip out on your workout. What’s your excuse? Slide Glide and Burn! We dare... read more
Matt Scott goes over all the excuses that you could possibly come up with to skip out on your workout. What’s your excuse? Slide Glide and Burn! We dare... read more
A lot of us are capable of a little more. We all have skills that can be applied elsewhere. If we step back and look at all the little... read more
It is said that practice makes perfect… and if we spend thirty percent of our lives sleeping, then surely we must have enough practice to be perfect sleepers by... read more
As random as this question might be, Amanda gives us her insights on a seemingly simple question. Find out what kind of tree she would be and why!... read more
Marc explains why he believes in taking care of the internal. Hear how his family and personal goals have motivated him to take care of his core foundation and... read more
Amanda shares what’s on her bucket list. Besides traveling, she explains some of the crazier things she wants to do. Her fuel? Conquering her fears.... read more
We are so impressed by each and every participant in the first ever OctaSlider™ Challenge! All of the hard work and effort they’ve put in has shown amazing dedication... read more
Jana Busted the OctaChallengers’ butts again. We saw sweat dripping, cores stiffening and lots of heavy breathing! Everyone is in fine form and looking fantastic! No one can believe... read more