Benefits of Octa-Pulls

OctaSlider | 11 years ago


Target your shoulders, triceps, chest, rectus abdominals and lats with Octa-Pulls with your OctaSlider™. This exercise features primal movements that you won’t find at the gym. Execute this move with tension and focus for your best results.


  • Start your Octa-Pulls on your knees and raise into a prone and straight-arm plank position with your hands on the floor and your feet on the Octa-Pads.
  • Keeping your hips at shoulder height and your chin down, push and slide your body backwards on the Octa-Pads, stopping when your hands are in front of your head.
  • Pause and hold your position before pulling and sliding yourself back to the starting position with your hands under your shoulders.


Octa-Pulls use your biggest muscle groups in your upper body, the latissimus dorsi (lats) while also applying targeted tension to your abdominals to help you create that killer 6 pack.

Once you master the standard Octa-pull, incorporate a dual knee tuck with each rep.

Use Pulls as part of your regular OctaSlider™ workout schedule to improve your upper body, core and back. Your entire body will improve from the attention to these major muscle groups and you will continue to see improvement as your movements become more fluid and focused.


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